Blob storage
3 minute read
Azure Blob storage is a service for storing large amounts of unstructured data, such as text or binary data. Blob storage is used to serve images or documents directly to a browser, storing files for distributed access, streaming video and audio, and writing to log files.
LocalStack for Azure allows you to use Blob storage APIs in your local environment to upload and download blobs, and manage containers. The supported APIs are available on the API Coverage page, which provides information on the extent of Blob Storage’s integration with LocalStack.
Getting started
This guide is designed for users who are new to Blob storage and assumes basic knowledge of the Azure CLI. We will demonstrate how to create a resource group, storage account, container, upload and download blobs, and view blob details.
Create a resource group
You can create a resource group using the following command:
$ azlocal group create \
--name MyResourceGroup \
--location westeurope
The following output would be displayed:
"id": "/subscriptions/some-generated-id/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup",
"location": "westeurope",
"managedBy": null,
"name": "MyResourceGroup",
"properties": {
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups"
Create a storage account
You can create a storage account using the following command:
$ azlocal storage account create \
--name testaccount \
--resource-group MyResourceGroup \
--location westeurope \
--sku Standard_LRS
The following output would be displayed:
"id": "/subscriptions/some-generated-id/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/testaccount",
"primaryEndpoints": {
"blob": "",
"dfs": "",
"file": "",
"internetEndpoints": null,
"microsoftEndpoints": null,
"queue": "",
"table": "",
"web": ""
"sku": {
"name": "Standard_LRS",
"tier": "Standard"
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
Create a container
You can create a container using the following command:
$ azlocal storage container create \
--name testcontainer \
--account-name testaccount \
--auth-mode login
The following output would be displayed:
"created": true
You can list the containers using the following command:
$ azlocal storage container list \
--account-name testaccount \
--auth-mode login
The following output would be displayed:
"deleted": null,
"immutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled": false,
"metadata": null,
"name": "testcontainer",
"properties": {
"etag": null,
"hasImmutabilityPolicy": false,
"publicAccess": null
"version": null
Upload and download blobs
You can upload a blob using the following command:
$ azlocal storage blob upload \
--container-name testcontainer \
--account-name testaccount \
--data "Your raw data here" \
--name testblog \
--auth-mode login
The following output would be displayed:
Alive[################################################Finished[#############################################################] 100.0000%
"client_request_id": null,
"encryption_key_sha256": null,
"encryption_scope": null,
"version": null,
"version_id": null
You can download a blob using the following command:
$ azlocal storage blob download \
--container-name testcontainer \
--account-name testaccount \
--file check.txt \
--name testblog \
--auth-mode login
You can inspect the downloaded file check.txt
to verify the contents.
View blob details
You can view blob details using the following command:
$ azlocal storage blob show \
--account-name testaccount \
--container testcontainer \
--auth-mode login \
--name testblog
The following output would be displayed:
Alive[################################################Finished[#############################################################] 100.0000%
"container": "testcontainer",
"name": "testblog",
"objectReplicationDestinationPolicy": null,
"objectReplicationSourceProperties": [],
"rehydratePriority": null,
"requestServerEncrypted": null,
"snapshot": null,
"versionId": null